Saturday, July 14, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

I can't wait to see this! It's the latest movie from American cult director Wes Anderson creator such eccentric heart-warmers as: The Royal Tennenbaums, The Life Aquatic, The Darjeeling Limited and the magical stop-motion animated Fantastic Mr. Fox. Before I rant on too much about Wes Anderson, I should mention it's actually a collaborative work with Roman Coppola of Francis Ford heritage, but seeing as I'm not so much  in love with him, I think that's mention enough. It's a story of delicately embellished childhood love, in which two twelve year lovers (Suzy and Sam) make a pact to run away together into the woods, and the ensuing madness that follows as the rest of the cast tries desperately to track them down. 

Wes Anderson's films always ooze cool but the saturated colours and 60's styling really make this one stand out to me in particular, Also, Suzy carries her cat around in a wicker basket!  Best two seconds of a movie trailer ever yes, quite possibly!

Amazing 60s dresses, knee-high socks, cats in baskets and candy coloured suitcases aside, if the aesthetic nature of Andersons previous films are anything to go this movie should prove to be a delectable visual feast and no doubt one to be enjoyed on this big screen, so make sure you get there before it's too late, this baby is in cinemas now!

Also, how amazing is it that somebody has not only made an adorable little cross-stitch tribute to this movie but has a whole collection of Wes Anderson inspired pieces in her Etsy shop!


  1. Looks amazing! Where is it playing in Cork?!

    1. The Triskel were playing it, I', looking into where it might be playing in the south!

  2. I adore Anderson!His movies, characters, colour tones *sighs*

    1. I know, it's mad how so many people don't get him isn't it!
